Trends in Private Wealth Management

Category: Investments

SECURE 2.0 Act Becomes Law

On Thursday this week, President Biden signed into law a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill . Of particular note to investors was the inclusion of the SECURE 2.0 Act (an expansion of the 2019 Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act). Two key provisions concerning IRA, 401K, and other qualified retirement plans were included in the act:

Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) – Prior to the 2019 CARES Act, RMDs were required to begin at age 70 1/2. The 2019 act raised the beginning age to 72. Starting on January 1, 2023 (tomorrow), the RMD beginning age will be raised to 73. The beginning age increases again to 75 in 2033 (10 years from now). These changes help those not ready to withdraw funds from their plans at age 72. An additional year of potential investment growth and tax benefits before making withdrawals can improve the financial life of plan participants.

IRA/401K Contribution Catch-Up Limits – This affects participants of all qualified plans starting in 2025 (2 years from now). Currently, beginning at age 50, participants in Traditional and Roth IRA, 401K, 403B, 457, and other qualified retirement plans are allowed to make higher contributions to their plans in excess of the normal limits for younger participants. This is referred to as a catch-up election. Under the new law, additional increases in catch-up election contribution limits will affect participants at ages 60 – 63. This will allow savers to not only increase their plan contributions above the normal plan limits beginning at age 50, but at ever higher limits at ages 60, 61, 62, and 63 as they move closer to retirement.

Noel R. Vincent

More on this topic in later posts…

Investing Can Pay Dividends

By Brad Lafferty

January 2016

Dividends accounted for almost all of the S&P 500 returns from the beginning of 2000 to the end of September 2012. 

Dividend (div΄ uh dend) n.  A sum of money paid regularly by a company to its shareholders out of its profits or reserves.

Savvy investors have long understood the power of dividends.  Think about it, if I receive a percentage of the value of my investment on a regular basis, every time I get paid, I lower my overall risk to my principal.  Also, I may see a larger overall return on an investment that rises in value if I am realizing a regular dividend from that company.  Seems simple enough, but don’t rush in too quick.  When choosing dividend paying investments, always ask the following questions:

  1. What is the source of dividends?  Investments may legally pay a dividend from a number of sources including profits, cash, incurred debt, investor money, or any other source.  Read your shareholder reports and prospectuses.  A high dividend may or may not mean a profitable company or investment.  Understand the source of the dividends before getting too excited about the yield.
  1. What is the FFO?  FFO, or Funds from Operations, is a key metric for gauging the health of many investments; especially non-traded real estate investment trusts (REITs) and business development companies (BDCs).  The measurement determines the percentage of the dividend that is derived from the operating revenue of the company.  If the FFO coverage is only 90%, that means that 10% of the dividend may be coming from cash, debt or other sources, rather than from profits.  If this does not improve, it may hurt the success of the investment over time.
  1. How are dividend payouts determined?  Dividends are paid at the discretion of the company or fund.  They are not guaranteed and may be changed or stopped at the discretion of the company or fund.  It is wise to research the history and track record of the investment and its management when choosing a dividend paying security, especially if income is one of the goals for choosing the investment.
  1. Are dividends taxable?  If you receive dividends in a non-qualified account, they are generally considered taxable income and should be reported to avoid problems with the IRS or your state taxing authority.  You should expect a 1099-DIV for these dividends.
  1. Is All Investment Income a Dividend?  If you have a Limited Partnership, for example, you may receive a periodic payment each month or quarter, but the payment is not a dividend, per se.  You may also notice on your statement that there is a return of principal included as a portion of some or all of your income payments.  These are partnership distributions, not dividends, and will have different tax consequences than ordinary dividends.  Partnership distributions that include a return of your capital are often paid out to defer taxation of the profits and increase possibility of a long term capital gain.  Be certain to verify whether a limited partnership investment creates UBTI (Unrelated Business Tax Income) before purchasing into an IRA.  UBTI can create a tax inside an IRA, even though the IRA provides tax deferral for earnings.  A possible indicator of potential UBTI tax is whether the tax reporting is a K-1 rather than a 1099-DIV.

Managing Investment Risk

By Noel R. Vincent

Everything Has Risk
Risk Tight Rope WalkerWhen it comes to investing, there are no risk-free options. Bank certificates of deposit (CDs), for example, have opportunity cost risk (they rarely pay more than 1% annually these days, and other vehicles offer significantly higher potential returns). Stocks have market risks (individual stocks and broad markets can drop unexpectedly and languish for long periods of time, even years). Bonds have interest rate risk (rates can go up while you’re locked into an older bond at a lower rate, which can severely diminish the value of your bond). Even hiding your money under the mattress exposes you to inflation risk (the general rise in prices eats away at your money’s buying power), not to mention theft risk. All investments have risk – there are no exceptions.

What’s a Body To Do?
Since risk cannot be eliminated, it must be prudently managed. Managing investment risk means layering your portfolio with lots of different types of risk. I know this seems counter-intuitive, but stay with me. The more types of risk represented in a portfolio, the greater chance it will weather a major storm. No particular sector of the market or type of security will be able to take the portfolio down. Stocks, bonds and cash are simply not enough in these distressing financial times. The best portfolios will add some combination of real estate, energy, private debt and equity, annuities, commodities, and international holdings to lower risk and stabilize returns. The object is not to avoid risk (which can’t be done), but to minimize it by compartmentalizing the risk into smaller sub-allocations across the available bandwidth of asset classes.

Diversification Is Not Owning a Hundred Different Stocks
When the tide goes out, it lowers all the boats in the harbor. Owning a hundred stocks, even in multiple industry and style categories, does not protect you from downside market risk. If the market drops, your whole portfolio will drop with it. After two major market corrections exceeding 40% since the year 2000, you’d think we’d have learned a few things. Adding more types of risk to your portfolio actually lowers your overall risk. Get the facts and take action.

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